Welcome to the ASMP Colorado Chapter website. ASMP Colorado is a community of professional photographers dedicated to high standards in ethics and creativity through education and communication.


1200 East 17th Avenue
Denver, CO 80218

T (303) 832-2299
F (303) 832-3737
E [email protected]
W www.PhotoLaszlo.com

Time-Life / Time, Inc. publications
Health One
Farm Credit System
Denver Chamber of Commerce
Horizon Bay Communities
Hilton Hotels
The Denver Film Festival
Clear Channel Communications
The Anschutz Corporation
The Brown Palace Hotel
…and a variety of clients in business, real estate, healthcare, hospitality, and marketing.

Larry has been an acclaimed commercial photographer and photojournalist for better than three decades. His Denver studio, CoMedia, is a lively and dynamic space in the heart of the city. He’s equally comfortable outside the studio, where location assignments send him all over the region and beyond. With a finely tuned digital workflow, Larry and his team get the job delivered on time and within budget.

Please visit the website (linked above) for additional information and image samples.